MES is the heartbeat of your operation. A properly managed MES helps remove friction between your traditionally siloed business functions. MES links these functions across multiple, plant-wide manufacturing processes through customer orders.
How MES Can Benefit Your Business
Production Dispatching
Provides the command to send materials or orders to certain parts of the plant to begin a process or step.
WIP & Resource Tracking
Monitors the progress of units, batches, or lots of output to create a full history of the product.
Product Tracking & Genealogy
Monitors the progress of units, batches, or lots of output to create a full history of the product.
Document Control
Manages and distributes information on products, processes, designs, or orders, and gathers certification statements of work and conditions.
Asset Utilization
Compares the time equipment is in use versus the time available, including downtime, idle time and changeover time.
Resource Management
Guides what people, machines, tools, and materials should do, and tracks what they are currently doing or have just done.
Compares measured yield in the plant to goals and metrics set by the equipment manufacturer, process engineers, corporation, or customers.
Maintenance Management
Plans and executes appropriate activities to keep equipment and other capital assets in the plant performing to goal.
Finite Scheduling
Sequences and times activities for optimized plant performance based on finite capacities of the resources.
Accelerating Transformation with Plex
With Plex Systems, we are accelerating the transformation of industrial operations with advanced capabilities in MES, supply chain, and quality with a cloud-based application to drive operational efficiency. So, why cloud?
- Robust MES/MOM, with extensions to ERP, Supply Chain, and APM
- Modern, multi-tenant, versionless software at scale
- Quick to configure and deploy, updated by operators or machines
- Focus on analysts and business outcomes over programming
- Software and service price competitive
Explore What's Possible with MES
From product tracking and genealogy to maintenance management and document control, see how an MES connects plant-wide manufacturing processes.