Our Hazardous Location Computers combine hazardous location certifications with the capacity to withstand more extreme temperatures than any other offering on the market. Industries such as oil and gas, chemicals, and mining involve potentially explosive materials in locations where hardware often takes a beating. These computers are designed to endure harsh temperature extremes. The computers can be IECEx, ATEX, INMETRO, and UL rated for hazardous locations. Projected Capacitive (PCAP) and analog resistive touch terminals are available.

Hazardous Location Integrated Display Computers
Our Bulletins 6181X Hazardous Location Integrated Display Computers are rated IECEx, ATEX Category 3 (for gas and dust), and UL listed for Class I Division 2 hazardous locations. These panel-mount computers are rated for extreme environments. The 12.1 in. TFT color display units are available in resistive touch and Projected Capacitive (PCAP) options. Sunlight readability and other features make these computers a necessity for maintaining productivity in hazardous location work environments.

Hazardous Location Non-Display Computers
Our Bulletin 6181X, 1200XT Hazardous Location Non-Display Computers are rated IECEx, ATEX Category 3 (for gas and dust), and UL listed for Class I Division 2 hazardous locations. These wall-mount computers are rated for extreme environments.

Hazardous Location Atom Class Non-Display Computers
Our VersaView 5000 family offers Intel Atom class box PCs with UL Class 1 Div 2 and ATEX category 2 certifications. These units are also available with conformal coat options.