Our family of Finger-safe Terminal Blocks falls between open-style NEMA/EEMAC terminal blocks and full-function IEC style terminal blocks. Our finger-safe terminal blocks are compact and have recessed terminals. They are UL component recognized and CSA certified plus CE marked for use in the European Union. You can select from 11 colors for easy circuit identification. In addition to our standard multi-rail terminal blocks, we offer a wide range of fusible terminal blocks and isolation switches.

Fuse & Surge Suppressor Finger-safe Terminal Blocks
Our Bulletin 1492 Fuse and Surge Suppressor Terminal Blocks are two-circuit blocks consisting of a series resistor/capacitor connected in parallel with a metal oxide varistor (MOV).

Resistor, Voltage-indicating, & Component Finger-safe Terminal Blocks
Our Bulletin 1492 Resistor, Voltage-indicating, and Component Finger-safe Terminal Blocks complement our line of finger-safe terminal blocks. The Resistor Block is a two-circuit block with a resistor between the upper and lower circuits. The Voltage Indicator Block provides visual voltage indication across upper and lower terminals. The Component Block is a two-circuit block with a component between the upper and lower circuits.

High-density Finger-safe Terminal Blocks
Our Bulletin 1492 High-density Finger-safe Terminal Blocks fall between the open-style NEMA/EEMAC terminal blocks and full-function IEC style terminal blocks. Our compact design (1492-HM2) can accommodate up to 100 terminations per foot.