Our single-function and specialty relays are designed to provide basic and advanced safety functions such as time delays and speed monitoring. They are also designed to be used in specific applications such as two-hand control, muting, and the control of pressure-sensitive safety mats and edges.

Single-function Safety Relays
Our MSR100 Single-function Safety Relays support a wide variety of input devices and output configurations. These relays are ideal for relatively small safety applications and single zone control and available in electromechanical version, or solid-state models for applications involving high cycle rates. Rockwell Automation announces that as of December 2019, a small number of legacy safety relays in the MSR portfolio will be discontinued and will no longer be for sale. Customers are encouraged to migrate to safety relay products in both our MSR and GSR families.

Sipha Control Units
Our Sipha Control Units monitor and control Sipha non-contact safety sensors. For high-risk applications, the control unit is used with a single Sipha sensor to give a high-integrity system. For other applications, multiple sensors (including mechanical switches) can be connected to a single Sipha control unit.

Safedge Controllers
Our Bulletin 440F Safedge™ Controllers operate with our Bulletin 440F Safedge Safety Edge Profiles. The controllers continuously monitor the profile for actuation, and they generate an output signal when the profile is depressed.

Mat Controllers
Our MatGuard™ Control Unit monitors all of the mats that are connected together to form a safeguarded zone. The safeguarded zone can be up to a total of 100 m and made from any number of mats. The controller interfaces with the control circuit of the machine and includes two safety relays to help provide control redundancy.

Muting Light Curtain Monitoring Safety Relays
Our Muting Light Curtain Monitoring Relays allow the automatic temporary suspension of the safety function if certain conditions are met. In material handling applications, material is allowed to pass through the protective field without shutting down the machine. In addition to muting, these modules monitor up to three light curtains with presence sensing device initiation (PSDI).

Speed Monitoring Safety Relays
Our MSR57P Speed Monitoring Safety Relays are designed for motion applications that require interaction by personnel during operation. Our MSR55P Speed Monitoring Safety Relays are used for standstill detection on single and three phase motors without the need for sensors.

Two-hand Control Monitoring Safety Relays
Our Two-hand Control Monitoring Safety Relays detect faults in two-hand controls, wiring, and contactors safety circuits. These relays provide switching action as an intermediate relay. They are designed for use with mechanical and capacitive two-hand control units.

Monitoring Expansion Relays
Our monitoring expansion safety relays have single or dual channel input with either immediate or time off delayed outputs. These are designed to operate as an extension of a master safety relay that mimics the master relays outputs.