Do I Need an MES if I Have an ERP?
Yes. MES occupies a special place in your information infrastructure – between your shop floor controls and enterprise systems. Think of an MES like Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) for the shop floor – but more. As the bridge between Information Technology (IT) and Operations Technology (OT), it provides enterprise visibility to actual production results and control systems with a real-time view of what the enterprise needs from production to meet business goals, including work instructions, recipes, and other crucial information.
Review these situations to determine if you need ERP, MES or both
I need to collect and consolidate IT and OT from existing equipment and systems. You can go deeper in the numbers without investing in MES. A combination of FactoryTalk® InnovationSuite Analytics and IIoT software offers edge-to-enterprise analytics, machine learning, IIoT and augmented reality to industrial operations. You can start with ERP.
I need reports every week. ERP typically records transactional data and reports it at intervals (daily, weekly or monthly). This is fine for financial and relational transactions but insufficient for manufacturing management who need information in real time. For added visibility, you'll need an MES.
I need to see the flow of information for job management, scheduling, quality assurance, and material management. You need an MES for online, real-time views of the latest scheduling priorities to eliminate inaccurate and time-consuming manual data collection; configure and customize reports and provide different users with the information they need.
I need to coordinate production scheduling and machine maintenance. MES offers increased visibility to data and automated processes that improve quality, increase efficiency and improve productivity. MES can help shift work to other machines and alter the production plan to keep work flowing and better manage resources – human and machine.