Get a complete view of your facility with our durable and flexible ASEM™ 6300 product line. Our ASEM line of industrial PCs, thin clients, and monitors are designed to help you optimize your operation. Our industrial ASEM 6300 PCs and thin clients combine with FactoryTalk® View human machine interface (HMI) software and ThinManager® thin client management software to create a complete visualization system.

Improve Quality
Automate operations for quality inspection in real time and help prevent error in the manufacturing process by triggering immediate reactions to defective products. Confirm everything that comes off the line is up to your level of standards.

Increase Productivity
Give production managers more insight into their operations so they can maximize employees' output, get products off the line in record time, stop downtime before it starts, and reap the benefits of a lower total cost of ownership.

Reduce Risk
Move beyond compliance by creating production environments that use embedded intelligence to combat security threats, improve workplace safety, and strengthen systems so you can avoid operational setbacks.
Create a More Efficient Operation
We are a global leader in industrial automation and digital transformation. We've strengthened our full portfolio with the release of the ASEM 6300 line of industrial PCs, thin clients, and monitors designed to help you optimize your operation.
Integrate a Durable, High-Performance HMI Solution in Your Industrial Environment
The ASEM 6300 product line is designed to be interoperable with your existing legacy technology. However, the true power of this solution expands when deployed as an integrated, end-to-end suite of products.
Improve the Reliability and Security of Your Visualization Applications
Our industrial ASEM 6300 PCs and thin clients combine with FactoryTalk® View human machine interface (HMI) software and ThinManager® thin client management software to create a complete visualization system.